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A place between two places : the Qurʼānic barzakh
ISBN: 9781463206123 1463206127 Year: 2017 Publisher: Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press,

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Le mystère du mal : Benoît XVI et la fin des temps
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ISBN: 9782227487420 9782227489318 2227489316 2227487429 Year: 2017 Publisher: Montrouge Bayard

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Le philosophe s'interroge sur les principes de légitimité et de légalité qui ordonnent la politique en s'appuyant sur l'exemple de Benoît XVI et son refus de jouer le rôle qui lui était attribué. Le "mystère du mal" dont parle l'apôtre Paul n'est pas un sombre drame théologique mais un drame historique où chacun est appelé à jouer son rôle sans réserves et sans ambiguïté. ©Electre 2017

Game Over?
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783110517965 9783110521412 9783110519822 3110517965 3110521415 3110519828 9783110521429 3110521423 Year: 2017 Volume: 180 Publisher: Berlin Boston

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Modern science informs us about the end of the universe: "game over" is the message which lies ahead of our world. Christian theology, on the other hand, sees in the end not the cessation of all life, but rather an invitation to play again, in God's presence. Is there a way to articulate together such vastly different claims?Eschatology is a theological topic which merits being considered from several different angles. This book seeks to do this by gathering contributions from esteemed and fresh voices from the fields of biblical exegesis, history, systematic theology, philosophy, and ethics.How can we make sense, today, of Jesus' (and the New Testament's) eschatological message? How did he, his early disciples, and the Christian tradition, envision the "end" of the world? Is there a way for us to articulate together what modern science tells us about the end of the universe with the biblical and Christian claims about God who judges and who will wipe every tear?Eschatology has been at the heart of Christian theology for 100 years in the West. What should we do with this legacy? Are there ways to move our reflection forward, in our century? Scholars and other interested readers will find here a wealth of insights.

Concordia Novi ac Veteris Testamenti
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783447106795 3447106794 Year: 2017 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag,

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The book of tribulations : the Syrian Muslim apocalyptic tradition
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781474424103 1474424104 1474424120 9781474424127 1474444083 1474424112 1474435653 Year: 2017 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press Ltd,

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This is an annotated translation of the 9th-century Islamic apocalyptic work 'The Book of Tribulations' - the earliest complete Muslim apocalyptic text to survive.

Dante, Columbus and the prophetic tradition : spiritual imperialism in the italian imagination
ISBN: 9781472488886 Year: 2017 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge,

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Exploring the diverse factors that persuaded Christopher Columbus that he could reach the fabled "East" by sailing west, Dante, Columbus and the Prophetic Tradition considers, first, the impact of Dante’s Divine Comedy and the apocalyptic prophetic tradition that it reflects, on Columbus’s perception both of the cosmos and the eschatological meaning of his journey to what he called an ‘other world.’ In so doing, the book considers how affinities between himself and the exiled poet might have led Columbus to see himself as a divinely appointed agent of the apocalypse and his enterprise as the realization of the spiritual journey chronicled in the Comedy. As part of this study, the book necessarily examines the cultural space that Dante’s poem, its geography, cosmography and eschatology, enjoyed in late fifteenth century Spain as well as Columbus’s own exposure to it. As it considers how Italian writers and artists of the late Renaissance and Counter Reformation received the news of Columbus’ ‘discovery’ and appropriated the figure of Dante and the pseudo-prophecy of the Comedy to interpret its significance, the book examines how Tasso, Ariosto, Stradano and Stigliani, in particular, forge a link between Dante and Columbus to present the latter as an inheritor of an apostolic tradition that traces back to the Aeneid. It further highlights the extent to which Italian writers working in the context of the Counter Reformation, use a Dantean filter to propagate the notion of Columbus as a new Paul, that is, a divinely appointed apostle to the New World, and the Roman Church as the rightful emperor of the souls encountered there.

Ricoeur et l'eschatologie : à la croisée de la phénoménologie herméneutique et de la psychanalyse
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Montpellier: Faculté de théologie protestante,

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La jeune fille et la sphère : études sur Empédocle
ISBN: 9791023105711 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris PUPS

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Pour Aristote, Empédocle est l’inventeur de la métaphore. Pour les modernes, c’est tantôt le philosophe-poète par excellence, tantôt le biologiste dont l’évolutionnisme avant la lettre a frappé Darwin. Prenant appui sur tous les fragments et témoignages disponibles – dont de nouvelles sources manuscrites par lui découvertes –, Marwan Rashed propose ici une résolution inédite de l’énigme du Cycle cosmique et déchiffre comment le philosophe dissimule, entre les lignes de son poème, les différents noms de la déesse du cycle de la vie et de la mort, Perséphone. Conjuguant philologie et philosophie, il révèle ainsi l’unité d’une pensée tout entière consacrée à explorer et à construire l’idée de cycle.

Bureaucratie et salut : devenir un dieu en Chine
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782830916294 2830916298 Year: 2017 Volume: 5 Publisher: Genève Labor et Fides

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La "divinisation de soi" constitue en Chine une option originale dans l'éventail des possibles destins posthumes de l'individu. Dans ce livre, Vincent Goossaert réévalue le modèle d'un au-delà chinois peuplé d'ancêtres, et remet en lumière une alternative tout aussi crédible, si ce n'est plus enviable : celle pour l'homme de devenir un dieu. Ce faisant, le livre retrace les grandes étapes de l'histoire des conceptions et pratiques religieuses de la divinisation, de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Loin de la vision répandue d'un imaginaire funéraire essentiellement tourné vers le culte des ancêtres, la Chine se présente ici comme un terrain d'expérimentation des destins individuels au-delà de la mort.

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